Tuesday 26 January 2010

Storyboard for feed the fish

By taking photos instead of drawing we were able to aline the video camera with the photo; which made filming alot easier. Plus none of us wanted to draw!

Monday 25 January 2010

Feed the fish Preliminary task

On the 25th of January 2010 we recieved a preliminary task called 'feed the fish'. We decided to take photos of our storyboard instead of drawing, through this we learnt that taking photos for storyboards is easier due to we can a line the camera with the photo and can see if we are crossing the 180 degree rule.

Monday 18 January 2010

Saw 2 Research

On the 19th of January 2010 we recieved a group presentational task as part of our Foundation Production, we had to present to the rest of the class on the codes and conventions of an esiting media text in the same genre of our planned production. We decided to research about Saw 2; in our presentation we had to include: camera work, editing, mise-en-scene, sound, titles and narrative.

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Juno Analysis

On the 12th of January we analysed the opening sequence of Juno. We looked at:

  • Music

  • Mise en scene

  • Costume

  • The animation technique

  • Interesting slides

The music is by anti-folk artist Kimya Dawson it is similar to singer Bob Dylan and helps establish the low key feel of a US independent movie. We learnt that the lyrics are important and how we can use other peoples music to create atmosphere.

For mise en scene (which is the most important part in establishing the tone and genre as well as the lead character.) The shots of the various shops helps to develop the narrative as we see Juno's small town. We learnt that we can use mise en scene in our movie to give more information.

Through costume we can see the class system of which Juno is in the middle. She wears a lot of jeans and baggy tshirts which highlights her boy-ish nature and reveals to the audience she is perhaps something of a tomboy.

The animation technique fits in with the US independent movie style by alluding to independent comic books such as Ameican Splendour. Interesting slides and push edits used also relate to the comic book theme. The unfinished drawings reflect the incomplete environment. From this we learnt how animation can lead us to think about how we can show the character.

Monday 11 January 2010

The 10 best movie openings

On the 11th of January we studied the 10 best opening films. The top 5 were (starting with 5th) :
  • Once upon a time in the west
  • Halloween
  • Reservoir dogs
  • The spy who loved me
  • Jaws

We watched Once upon a time in the west, we looked out for camera work, editing, sound and mise-en-scene. For Camera work we noticed a tracking shot which showed the relationship between the cowboys. In editing there was a long take when the fly was buzzing around his face. It is all real time the characters have to wait for the train so the audience has to wait too. Sound, the sound was diegetic; there was ambient sound and hyperbolic sound of the train, and NO dialogue which gave the sequence more versimilitude. Mise-en-scene, the charcters matched there outfits as in tatty and untidy.

published by whole group

Tuesday 5 January 2010


On the 5th of January we looked at what makes a successful; title sequence of a movie; these are
  • Establishing location
  • Introduce Characters
  • Set up narrative enigma
  • Establish themes and genre
  • Provide Institutional information
  • Create expectations
  • Engage expectations

Also along with the same date we were given a video brief of our preliminary exercise and the main task. We watched the beginning of Kidulthood and researched on the opening of the film. We ticked boxes on what the film had and didn't have for example, indication of place, information about genre and patterns and types of editing that will be echoed in the rest of the film.

From researching Kidaulthood and researching what makes a successful title sequence, we learnt that; we need to take on every little detail, in every single element, and be consistence.

Published by all group